Sunday, January 25, 2009

Version 1.0.4

Made some minor changes to version 1.0.4.

I've changed the notifications to be less chatty. While many people have enjoyed the constant notifications quite a few others did not, plus they weren't really obeying the notifications rules set in the settings. So hopefully this will fix that issue.

I've also updated the Send Tweet and Copy to Clipboard buttons to also announce how many cigarettes you haven't smoked and how much of your life you've saved by not smoking.

What's next?
The next few things I'll be adding is allowing background updates to twitter. So that at your milestones it will automatically tweet your progress.

I'll then be changing the program slightly to allow multiple smokers to be tracked at one time. The way it saves now supports that, so I'll really only have to be changing the UI around.

After that, I may allow options to e-mail results, or SMS them. I've had a few requests for that.

I've also had some requests for an "I screwed up" button so the user could say, they cheated and had a cigarette. I'm pretty reluctant to add this functionality. You should always keep in mind, that if you ever smoke again, you've destroyed the benefits of having quit up to that point. The goal is to quit for good. You should reset your quit date/time every time you have a cigarette.


Smoking Statistics

Welcome to the Smoking Statistics blog. I've had some great responses to the Smoking Statistics android application I created, but found the communication with the users to be difficult on the marketplace. This will be a much better way for people using the application to communicate with me, and for me to help users, and to let people know what's coming in future updates.

Thanks for all the support and feedback.